
Rein Dufait

Van het reiken en het aarden (CIAP expo)
Van het reiken en het aarden (CIAP expo)

Rein Dufait (Ostend, 1990) defines sculpture as the addition and removal of matter. Through his rigorous way of working sculpturally, he has developed a particular, possibly even unique, practice, constantly fuelled by an insatiable hunger for matter and a fascination with organic and artistic form. In his work, Dufait confronts the viewer with fundamental questions about sculpture. How do we divide a space? How do we combine textures? How do we create volume and height?

In the exhibition Van het reiken en het aarden, Dufait presented a mix of older and (mostly) new works in the historic rooms of CIAP's first floor. The edition Boek der worstelingen: schetsboek was also presented and offered for sale.

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