
Apples and Oranges

Art Book Fair

Apples and Oranges

Apples and Oranges is an independent art book fair held annually in Limburg, complemented by a public presentation program on publishing as an artistic practice. This year we meet at C-mine Genk, where over 35 artists and collectives will present their work.

Apples and Oranges brings together artists experimenting with books, scripts, prints, zines and other publications that may fall outside the traditional distribution circuit.

Publishing, especially self-publishing, is often a driver for collaborations leading to the development of extensive networks and alliances. Apples and Oranges draws inspiration from the transformative and political potential of publishing. The fair not only provides a platform to distribute work, it is also an opportunity to exchange knowledge and make new connections.

The name of the fair refers to Clive Philpott's 'fruit salad' diagram (1982), where the intersection between 'art' and 'books' is depicted as apples and pears yielding lemons. The image vividly illustrates the versatility of the spectrum of art practices collected under the collective heading of 'art book'.


Apples and Oranges combines the fair with a lively public program of performances, lectures and workshops.

The public program continues on Saturday 30.09 from 1pm to 7pm. The fair will take place on Sunday 01.10 from 1pm to 6pm. Location for both events is the Energy Building of C-mine in Genk.

All proceeds from sales will go directly to the artists. Both participation in the fair and entrance for the public are free.

Participating artists and collectives/ cooperatives:

Public programme - Saturday 30.09.2023, 1pm - 7pm:

An Onghena and Jivan van der Ende, Auriane Preud’homme, Clara Amaral, Maartje Fliervoet, Marjolein Guldentops, Melissa Gordon, Niels Poiz, Noam Youngrak Son.

Explore the full programme here.

Book fair - Sunday 01.10.2023, 1pm - 6pm:

Auriane Preud’homme, Ben Leenen, Divided Publishing, Els Martens, Enzo Smits, Esther Brakenhoff, Gilles Hellemans, Goda Palekaite, Griet Menschaert, Hristina Tasheva, Ignace Cami, Jacques Le Bourgeois, Justina Nekrasaite, KALF Space (Lotte Vrancken, Mike Feijen, Emily Hutchings, Jannick Rabbijns, Rachel Daniels, Stijn Wybouw, Kirsten Vanlangenaeker), Layla Önlen, Level Five, Liesbet Grupping, Liselore Baerts, Lu Lin, Maarten Schuurman, Marine Forestier, Marjolein Guldentops, Maud Vandeveire, MAX studios, Mieke Schelstraete, Nathalie Brans, Nick Geboers, Niels Poiz, Nikolay Karabinovych, Nina Glockner, Noam Youngrak Son, Peter Lemmens, Reinier Vrancken, Rod Summers, Rosa Vrij, Slow Reading Club, SB34, Tessa de Swart, The School (Milan Gillard, Elke Cuppens, Stef Lemmens, Pablo Hannon, Annelies Clerix, Lieve Kauwenberghs), Zam Zadeh.


Apples and Oranges is produced by Jester (Genk) and Odapark Center for Contemporary Art (Venray), in collaboration with Zero Desk, and with the support of PXL-MAD (Hasselt). For each edition the fair changes location between the cities of the different partners.. This year, the event is generously hosted by C-mine Cultural Centre at C-mine Genk.

The fair and the public programme are curated by a group of professionals from the partner organisations. Half of the participants are selected on the basis of an open call, the other half were invited by the curators.

Apples and Oranges is supported by Flemish Government, City of Genk, Mondriaan Fonds, Provincie Limburg.

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