
Sketch 2022-2024 - Alexis Gautier


22.06 2024 - ...
Sketch 2022-2024 - Alexis Gautier

On Saturday, June 22, the artwork "Sketch, 2022-2024" by Alexis Gautier will be inaugurated in Jester's garden.This installation was part of Jester's first exhibition after the merger of CIAP and FLACC, Riding High in the Reading Saddle. The exhibition marked many milestones: it was another step in the artist's practice, but also a new chapter for the organization, as well as the beginning of the construction of Jester's new complex at C-mine. Gautier delineated the contours of the planned construction site with four tall five-meter poles, which were topped with aluminum wind roses (based on a Chinese kite) and steel self-portraits made in collaboration with local motorcyclist and craftsman Bert Vangompel. Parallel to the exhibition in the C-Mine building, where the organization then temporarily took up residence, Gautier marked the zone of the future building complex with mobile beacons. Within this zone, drawings in barren ground were developed by the skid marks of a motocross rider.

On the occasion of the large-scale group exhibition Any Way the Wind Blows at C-mine, Jester invites Alexis Gautier to commemorate this intervention, now that the buildings are there, and will be used for an international residency and exhibition program. A reminder that Gautier's works were there first, and will point the direction of a fresh wind at Jester for a long time to come.

For this inauguration and no less than 3 other activities (the opening of Any Way the Wind Blows & As it (n)ever was (Athos Burez) at C-mine, and a guided tour of Impossible Songs (Mikołaj Sobczak) at Jester) we are organizing a shuttle bus from Brussels to Genk (and back of course) on Saturday, June 22.
For only €15 you can be there! More info and a registration link can be found here.

Photography by Michiel De Cleene, 2022
Special thanks to Alicja Melzacka, Orlando Maaike Gouwenberg and Bert Vangompel.

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