
Toon Fibbe

Dragging Debt, Colon Collateral and the Gendering of Credit
Dragging Debt, Colon Collateral and the Gendering of Credit

Toon Fibbe tries to fathom the shady world of economy and finance through performance, video, fashion, installation art, text and sculpture. The abstract concepts of the financial world are made flesh in the characters that drive his objects, films and installations. These are surprisingly theatrical works inspired by the physical and eerie metaphors that were used throughout history to depict the political economy: the 'invisible hand' of Adam Smith, the highly evocative prose by Karl Marx, 19th-century gothic fiction, all the way to the modern body horror.

During his residency at Jester Fibbe researches the early history of the stock market and the figurative strategies used in the arts to portray this world: antropomorphism, gendered allegories, and body metaphors. His main source of inspiration is ‘Het Groote Tafereel der Dwaasheid’ (transl. 'The Big Scene of Folly') (1720, Amsterdam), a collection of satirical drawings that reference the first major stock crash.

Toon Fibbe graduated at the Piet Zwart Instituut in Rotterdam, followed by a postgraduate at the Jan van Eyck Academie in Maastricht. His work was exposed at Wiels, Kunsthuis Syb, M HKA, Nieuwe Vide, M Leuven, and Kunstfort Vijfhuizen.

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